Friday, December 26, 2008

Ack, finishes Xmas... what's next, new Year???

exactly 10 days since i last posted on my blog, must hv caught on the lazy bug?

it is officially boxing day rite now... we r seeing Manchester United up against Stoke city tonite... elsewhr we r looking at the ox fighting global warming a.k.a Miami Heats vs Chicago Bulls... what else is being paraded on boxing day... non other than sports arena professional league (it is the most profitable time of the year)

anyway, christmas have been a well celebrated holiday. people used to celebrate the event for d harmony effect they bring. All in all, these holidays were carrying subtle effect (where it allow efficient resting... However in today's world context, holidays are no more being the family style (reserve to create harmony in families). Today's holiday is about generating more cash. How they do so? through ,,,,,,,,,,,,

So what's next? icic, new year, 1st January 2009...
I reckoned it is worth celebrated. It is the marking of a new era where it creates more hope than the previous 1st January. Albeit most hope were dash, bt it doesn't stop people from making new ones (perhaps it is the aftermath of December 25, hehe)... Well, life don't stop at this moment, not unless it is or ur .........

Dec 25, Jan 1... are 1 day of the year people choose to create hope... as the people of earth planet, let's follow the tradition n continue what our ancestor has brought us. Stop thinking bout d negative event that might happen after the festive season. For now, let's enjoy

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