A wise guy once said the needle stick on the skin will recover but the needle stick in the heart will be carried forever. This is is jz merely taught in the beginning lesson of anger management yet it is the core of the entire subject...
i believe we as human nobody could run away from being angry despite our nobility. therefore anger management is very important in controlling one's anger bcoz it could really help avoid feelings being hurted. so next time if u r thinking of slashing off when u r angry, think twice...
As this site is not advertising for any author, i would recommend anybody who like to learn about controlling their temper to drop by major book stores for books regarding anger management... remember, once a whole in the heart is created, it will never heal completely no matter what you do in regarding it... P.S. this is a reminder serve to myself to remember the importance of anger management as well
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
16th Dec
Finish my exam, jolly headed with unfinishable cheers. I was like unbelievable, finished exam man. The freedom i was long waiting for has finally arrived... Ei ei Ei, all these was bullshit. Exam finishes meant i was heading towards another parcel of my current life (Holiday lifestyle). Frankly speaking it was not something too overly enjoyed nowadays (been in a holiday mood ever, nth in me seems to be hard working)
The most agonizing part is i hadn't tried doing something lately. No effort has been spilled entirely, nothings seems to trigger any of my desire. I wanted to agonize, bt i can't found anything to agonize over. Anyway, crashed home after d exams & found myself surrounded by an entire house of men. Well at least all of us did War 3 at nite with the main gang hitting Dota...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Ack, finishes Xmas... what's next, new Year???
exactly 10 days since i last posted on my blog, must hv caught on the lazy bug?

it is officially boxing day rite now... we r seeing Manchester United up against Stoke city tonite... elsewhr we r looking at the ox fighting global warming a.k.a Miami Heats vs Chicago Bulls... what else is being paraded on boxing day... non other than sports arena professional league (it is the most profitable time of the year)

anyway, christmas have been a well celebrated holiday. people used to celebrate the event for d harmony effect they bring. All in all, these holidays were carrying subtle effect (where it allow efficient resting... However in today's world context, holidays are no more being the family style (reserve to create harmony in families). Today's holiday is about generating more cash. How they do so? through
So what's next? icic, new year, 1st January 2009...
I reckoned it is worth celebrated. It is the marking of a new era where it creates more hope than the previous 1st January. Albeit most hope were dash, bt it doesn't stop people from making new ones (perhaps it is the aftermath of December 25, hehe)... Well, life don't stop at this moment, not unless it is
or ur
Dec 25, Jan 1... are 1 day of the year people choose to create hope... as the people of earth planet, let's follow the tradition n continue what our ancestor has brought us. Stop thinking bout d negative event that might happen after the festive season. For now, let's enjoy

it is officially boxing day rite now... we r seeing Manchester United up against Stoke city tonite... elsewhr we r looking at the ox fighting global warming a.k.a Miami Heats vs Chicago Bulls... what else is being paraded on boxing day... non other than sports arena professional league (it is the most profitable time of the year)

anyway, christmas have been a well celebrated holiday. people used to celebrate the event for d harmony effect they bring. All in all, these holidays were carrying subtle effect (where it allow efficient resting... However in today's world context, holidays are no more being the family style (reserve to create harmony in families). Today's holiday is about generating more cash. How they do so? through

So what's next? icic, new year, 1st January 2009...
I reckoned it is worth celebrated. It is the marking of a new era where it creates more hope than the previous 1st January. Albeit most hope were dash, bt it doesn't stop people from making new ones (perhaps it is the aftermath of December 25, hehe)... Well, life don't stop at this moment, not unless it is

Dec 25, Jan 1... are 1 day of the year people choose to create hope... as the people of earth planet, let's follow the tradition n continue what our ancestor has brought us. Stop thinking bout d negative event that might happen after the festive season. For now, let's enjoy

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
sulky, agonizing moments
a couple hours into my final paper for this sem yet i am agonizing bout want 2 study anot... for the record, i am suppose 2 stick my mind into reading something i have never really touch during the semester... (but, yeap, there is a but here) but i jz can't clear my mind off external infuence... somehow my mind is dancing wif musics, my heart is shouting for movies, my eyes are looking elsewhere & most importantly my ears are drumming with holiday mood essential
sulky, agonizing moments... can't stand it anymore, pull myself out & kick myself into reading something... i can't fail this class, at least not this time around
sulky, agonizing moments... can't stand it anymore, pull myself out & kick myself into reading something... i can't fail this class, at least not this time around
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ethical issue...
it's sunday nite 10.25pm, 5 more min til i take my shower... this is a gruel moment rite now, not about sad things happened, bout what is bout to happen. 16/12 is the grieving day, having a fearsome exam, business ethics. Today's world of business and being ethical is totally 2 different entities. Therefore it give way to a question, should we maintain ethical beliefs?
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Jz finish
omg, everywhere is crowded with so many people till it is almost suffocated...
mpw 2153... "Tooot"!!!!!!
it's a an ethical subject goes with the name Moral... aduh, how on earth one is more than 20 years old yet they are forced to take this subject again? anyway it's gone now, haha, no more moral paper anymore, no way i am volunteering for this subject in any way. cheers!
mpw 2153... "Tooot"!!!!!!
it's a an ethical subject goes with the name Moral... aduh, how on earth one is more than 20 years old yet they are forced to take this subject again? anyway it's gone now, haha, no more moral paper anymore, no way i am volunteering for this subject in any way. cheers!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Genting trip 06/12
A journey tat's normally 1 & half hours, at max 2 hours have been reinvented into 3 hours at least due to the resilient traffic of many going bak 4 d haji holiday, amazing huh!! Wish tat could ruin our appetite, bt it has really taken a toll on our little stomach. Tis time around v were at genting on a mission: (1) to bring our relatives frm Indon 2 enjoy d atmosphere at genting (2) show the first timers what is a casino is abt (3) hv some fun up there...
Section A: Below monte carlo casino, above first world hotel
introducing our cameraman: Helly(cameragal actually) for d day... P.S. by the way, she is actually my niece in my family hierarchy bt she's older ;P
my cousin brother(Sak Lie aka Sharky)
my niece as well, Henny(Helly's cousin sister)
Section B: Going down 2 first world - thru a stretch of stairs
Helly & Henin (Posers)
Sister Ria, Henin, William & "Sharky"(From Left to Right)
Theme Park View along with miss "H"
Section C: First world hotel : Indoor theme part
Miss Helly also known as Fuilie
tis times its Uncle William & Henin
My two niece posing up at Genting Highland
Che Che Ria (Cousin Sister)
Now its time for the arrival of aunty role : Aunty Ria & niece Henin
Hey Yo, its sharky here with the Ferris wheel, lol
Uncles, Aunty accompanying their niece to shop around genting
Uncle Sharky and niece
photographer turned poser!!!
2 uncles' together(wei, nola, sharky is my cousin, so tat makes uncle fatt is Sharky's uncle as well)
Section D: Getting bak to Skyway Cable car : En Route towards Highland Hotel
Henin, "Sharky", William the blogger & aunty Emily (from left to right) (P.S aunty emily is actually the mother of William chong the blogger)
Guess whom is who? (your choice of answers are William, Sharky, Emily, Ria, Henin, Ah Fatt, Fuilie, Daniel) (the correct answer is Ria, Helly aka Fuilie, Henin, Sharky & Emily)
Grandma, Fuilie & Ria!!!
Its William again (whom is the 2ndary photographer as well, if not who else is taking the photos while Fuilie taking photo)
In Front of Highland Hotel with Henin, Uncle "Sharky", Grand Aunty Emily and Fuilie
It's time for Aunty Ria & Henin again in front of the decorated displayed cable car
That's all the time for now... William, Signing off!!!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
lying on the bed since my last blog writing
Surprisingly now I could put up myself 2 do anything at all. I have been lying on the bed ever since I "Ter"ate allergic food. According to my doctor its is the Xerotic eczema epidermic I had turned chronic. Ouch, that's gotta pain. Nah, it's incomparable with the pain inflicted upon my skin. Yeap, it hurts the hell out of me after me scratching to ease the tension of itchiness. below are illustration of what Xerotic eczema patients are look like(Don't worry, they are not contagious, it just doesn't appealing at all):
the mildest symptoms
Getting more scary
quite serious rite now!!!
P.S. there is a level where it become ultra serious which i think it was way disgusting for public view. For those whom wish to see it, please leave me a message down here...
P.S. I don't mean intrigue anybody but for safety precautious. If you have the symptoms of Ezcema right now, take necessary curing action before it is too late. Normally doctor will give Costicosteroids as they take care of the symptoms pretty easily. However the damage done to your immune system is there and the primary action taken should be maintain a healthier lifestyle and curb Ezcema instead of taking a temporary painkiller!!!
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