its a monday, head start of a new week. pupils attend classes, white collars returned to work, shops open for business, factory begin operation etc...
for me, d day begin at 6.30 where i prep for work. it is only second week i started working, so far. ask me about job satisfaction, i could only say so far so good. it ain't d best job in d world a.k.a very high pay with minimal amount of job... d only problem a.t.m is 1 hour drive at least from my living place. 1 hour to & fro is very tired at times...
frankly speaking, i kinda consider its a gloomy day 2 start off... Ancelotti bags his first trophy for chelsea so its a disappointing moment for Sir Alex Ferguson n d Devils.

well life gotta stick ahead...
reached office w/o much stuff 2 do, i just stick my butt onnnnn d chair & read a couple of documents. conclude, what a boring morning dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... anyway my lunch was provided by my colleague since he was serving his customer(chuckles gleefully) Old Town White coffee has come out with set lunch. i gotten a curry chicken rice set. ahem, I wonder what triggers their traditional spending pattern into a modern promotional method serving??? ??? ???
evening was pack with a long meeting. Actually i wouldn't call it a meeting, i rather mentioned it as training programme organized by my boss. for d first time i actually felt i am being paid 2 study, 2 gain knowledge (wat a wonderful feeling)dinner cum driving, its sure a good way 2 spend time. by d time i'm home its almost 10, nite timing...
facebook, blogging, TV'ing blah blah blah conclude my time for d nite... I am actually planning 2 write on my convo next, it was last friday though but i just couldn't get all d necessary photos yet. oh yeah, 2 conclude my gloomy day of mourning over MU's loss to chelsea in the comunite FA shield, i am heading 2 bed now. yawning all OVER!!! !!! !!! !!! !!!